Because of several fraud credit card transactions, I've had to tighten my credit card controls.
The reason most credit card transactions are declined is because the billing address is wrong. You must put in the address exactly as it appears on your monthy statement/bill. If you put anything else, such as the shipping address, the transaction will be declined.
Grab your latest statement / bill and use that address. If you do that, your transaction should go through with no problems.
If you're still having problems, please call me and I will look into the matter further.
As a note, the more often you try your card, you will see several transactions on your online statement. Because the card was declined, they should disappear within 7 days. However, it may tie up your money for those 7 days as the bank is waiting for the transaction to complete even though the card was declined. Less is best. If it doesn't go through the first time, Check your billing address.